Todo Evernote

Pleexy creates tasks in your Todoist from notes and to-do items in your Evernote and Evernote Business notes. Pleexy can group all the to-dos from one note under parent tasks, synchronize due dates, and automatically complete to-dos when you complete tasks in your Todoist.

  1. The difference is that tasks related to the project live in Todoist, while reference notes related to the project live in Evernote. I can also copy the URLs from either a Todoist task and put it into an Evernote note related to said task or copy the URL from the note from Evernote and place into a Todoist.
  2. What is better ToDo or Evernote? The perfect Collaboration Software is a service that can address your company’s unique needs. It’s easy to identify which alternative works really with your industry if you compare a wider range of products before you decide which one is the best.

The new Evernote for Android. Open an existing note or create a new note. Tap the blue plus icon in the note editor then tap the Checkbox button. Older version of Evernote for Android. Open an existing note or create a new note. Click or tap the Checkbox button (box with a check mark) in the formatting bar.

After you connect Evernote as a source service, you can customize your Evernote and Todoist integration exactly the way you want. First, navigate to the page where you can change settings:

  1. From the Pleexy dashboard, inside the Evernote card, click Details.

  2. Click Edit settings.

On this page, you can customize the connection's name. You can also adjust the settings for Source, Destination, Tasks, and Actions. Let’s walk through your options for each.

Source settings

Source settings let you configure how Pleexy searches for notes and to-dos in Evernote. You have two options: Select notes with tag and from notebooks or Select notes by Evernote's advanced search condition.

Select notes with tag and from notebooks allows you to filter notes by tags, notebooks, and last update.

  • Tags: Enter the tags Pleexy should use. Pleexy will create tasks from all Evernote notes with the tags you specify.
    Note: You can enter as many tags as you need, but start each tag with # (for example, #project) and separate tags with one space (for example, #project #july).

  • Notebooks: Click the drop-down menu to select which Evernote notebooks Pleexy should search for to-dos. If you don’t select specific notebooks, Pleexy will search all notebooks.

  • Last update: If you want Pleexy to ignore Evernote notes that you consider out-of-date, no problem! For example, if you enter ‘60,’ Pleexy will ignore Evernote notes that haven’t been updated in the last 60 days.

Pleexy combines your settings for these three filters. For example, if you enter the tags #chore and #favor, select the notebooks Family and Neighbors, and enter 30 days, Pleexy will search for notes that meet all three requirements:

Tagged with #chore or #favor

+ Located in notebook Family or Neighbors

+ Updated less than 30 days ago

Select notes by Evernote's advanced search condition is for expert Evernote users who use Evernote’s advanced search syntax. You can use the advanced search syntax you have set up in Evernote to tailor which notes Pleexy creates as tasks in your Todoist.

In the Source section, you can also choose to synchronize your to-dos or your notes only. If you select Notes only, Pleexy will create task in Todoist for every matching note.

If you choose to synchronize your to-dos, you can also decide whether to group your to-dos. In this case, Pleexy will group all to-dos from one note under a single parent task in your task manager. Specify how parent tasks will be named.

Destination settings

Destination settings define how Pleexy creates tasks in your Todoist. You have two destination options:

  • Create all tasks in one project: Create tasks from all Evernote notes in the same Todoist project. Click the drop-down menu to select the Todoist project to use.Note: If you want Pleexy to create tasks in a new Todoist project, log in to your Todoist and create the new project there. Back in your Pleexy settings, in the project drop-down menu, click Refresh to update the list of projects.

  • Use an individual project for each notebook: Create tasks from each Evernote notebook in a different Todoist project. Click the drop-down menu to select the root Todoist project to use. Pleexy will create individual projects within the root project you select for the tasks from each Evernote notebook.
    Note: If a project with the same name already exists in the root project you select, Pleexy will use it instead of creating a new project. This way, Pleexy can combine tasks from different source services in the same project. For example, Pleexy will create tasks from a “Development” notebook in Evernote and a “Development” board in Trello in a single root project.

Task settings

In the Task settings, you can specify how Pleexy creates, names, and synchronizes tasks and task attributes.

Under Task title template, use macros to customize how Pleexy names your tasks. For Evernote integrations, three elements are available for task names: {notebook}, {note}, and {todo}.

As you change your task title template, Pleexy shows how your changes will look in a live example under the template field. You can combine the macro elements however you want, as long as you get the formatting correct. Here are some ideas:

  • {todo} from {notebook}: {note}

  • {notebook} - {note}: {todo}

Note: If you manually edit a task title in Todoist, Pleexy won’t update or change your edited title.

If you chose to synchronize and group your to-dos in the Source settings, you can use the {notebook} and {note} elements to create a macro for naming parent tasks under Parent task title template. Pleexy will list all todos for each notebook and note under a single parent task. For example:

{notebook}: {note}




You can also toggle-on the Synchronize labels for todos option. If you select this option, Pleexy will add tags from your notes to the task labels.

Finally, you can specify how Pleexy should synchronize labels between your notes in Evernote and your tasks in Todoist:

  • Update Todoist labels when you change Evernote labels

  • Update both Todoist labels and Evernote labels when you make a change in either service

  • Update Evernote labels when you change Todoist labels

  • Do not synchronize: Pleexy will not synchronize labels when you change them in either Evernote or Todoist

Action settings

Action settings let you control what Pleexy will do when you change, complete, or delete tasks in Evernote or Todoist—both sides of the integration!


First, tell Pleexy what should happen in Todoist when you delete a to-do in Evernote. Click the drop-down to select one option:

Todo Evernote
  • Delete corresponding task: Pleexy will delete the corresponding task in Todoist

  • Do not touch task: Pleexy will leave the corresponding task in Todoist

Second, specify what should happen in Todoist when you complete a to-do in Evernote. Click the drop-down menu to select one option:

  • Complete corresponding task: Pleexy will mark the corresponding task as complete in Todoist

  • Do not touch task: Pleexy will not mark the corresponding task as complete in Todoist

Third, tell Pleexy what should happen in Evernote when you complete a task in Todoist. Click the drop-down menu to select one option:

  • Complete todo: Pleexy will mark the corresponding to-do as complete in Evernote

  • Do not touch todo: Pleexy will not mark the corresponding to-do as complete in Evernote

Now you know all about your options for integrating Evernote with your Todoist! Don’t forget to scroll down and click Save changes when you’re finished customizing.

As an entrepreneur, you’ve got a million and one things on your to-do list at any given time. Keeping track of everything can be time-consuming and exhausting, but what choice do you have?

Luckily for you, there are plenty of apps available to help you stay organized and get things done. From note-taking and to-do lists to task management and other features, these apps have everything you need to be as productive as possible.

We've compared three productivity apps that can do the legwork for you:

  • Evernote: the to-do list in its simplest, digital form. Web-clipping and handwritten notes make the transition to digital easy and stress-free.
  • Todoist: the to-do list meets task management. Plan, prioritize, delegate, & collaborate all in one, clean & simple app.
  • is the intersection between personal and work to-dos. “Moments” and location-based reminders make it a powerful force for productivity.

As you compare each tool, it's important to keep features, interface and integration options in mind. Our comparison below will help you decide which tool will work best for you.

Features and Integration

Todo Evernote

Features make or break a productivity app. Whether you use the app as a project management tool or for budget planning, a productivity app that has an array of features will help you locate everything in one place.

Evernote is the closest you’re going to get to handwritten note-taking and to-dos. It’s the simplest to-do list app, which makes Evernote super adaptable and flexible. The versatile note-taking, ability to “clip” things together, and presentation-ready slide function mean you can make Evernote whatever you need it to be, and you’ll save plenty of time and hassle in the process.

Todoist is the to-do list meets task management software. The app combines the traditional to-do list with valuable task management features to become more than just a note-taking app. That means you can establish tasks & projects, delegate them, and visualize the productivity of both you and your team. They also offer a package specifically tailored to business needs. offers moment and location-based reminders to help you stay on-task and limit things slipping through the cracks. If you’re willing to pay for the premium package, you’ll get all the features and be able to move seamlessly between devices – making for powerful productivity.

It's essential to be aware of how easy integration with other tools is. Working with a productivity app that is difficult to figure out and doesn't provide a seamless experience isn't going to help you be productive.

Evernote includes a wide range of available integrations that broaden its reach and make the app even more powerful. Todoist offers perhaps the most powerful suite of available integrations that are tailor-made; for instance, Google Drive integration allows you to collaborate with your team in real-time. integrations are targeted toward syncing work and personal tasks and to-dos.

  • Versatile note-taking
  • Clip web articles, handwritten notes, or photos
  • Communicate, collaborate, & share
  • Turn notes into presentation-ready slides
  • Sub tasks & projects
  • Share, collaborate, & delegate
  • Set priorities, labels, & filters
  • Reminders & notifications
  • Visualize productivity
  • Location-based notifications
  • Recurring due dates
  • “Moment” daily planner
  • Action shortcuts
  • Upload files
  • Subtasks, recurring tasks
  • Delegate, and comment
  • Location-based reminders
  • Zapier
  • Expensify
  • DocuSign
  • Azendoo
  • Zapier
  • Google Drive
  • Workflow
  • Google Maps
  • Zapier
  • Gmail
  • Cal
  • Google Calendar
  • Evernote
  • Location-based reminders
Mobile appEvernoteYesTodoistYesAny.doYes
Microsoft todo evernote

Pricing and Support

In order to fully experience each of the apps' advantages, you'll have to pay. That is, to get beyond the basic reminders, more file uploads and space, and better integration options, it'll cost you. The good news is that the pricing plans are flexible and allow you to pay for a year subscription or on a month-to-month basis. The even better news is that the support around each app ensures that you'll get the most out of your subscription.

Evernote todo app
  • Basic Free
  • Plus $34.99 per year
  • Premium $69.99 per year
  • Premium for Business $12 per user / month
  • Free
  • Premium $29 per year
  • For Business $3 per user / month
  • Free
  • Premium $26.99 per year or $2.99 per month
  • Knowledge base & guides
  • Communities
  • Live chat & email support for Premium and Business customers
  • Knowledge base
  • Support community
  • FAQ
  • Email support & priority support for Premium and Business customers
  • Knowledge base
  • Community forum
  • FAQ


From clean design to effortless user experience and awesome features, Evernote is definitely a top contender. It’s only shortfall is that the interface isn’t designed for long-form notes, but if you’re looking for simplicity and flexibility, it’s a great option. Evernote is ideal if you’re looking for a smooth and integrated transition from handwritten to digital notes and to-dos. With a capable free package, there’s no downside to taking a look.

Todoist won’t cure you of procrastination, but if you’re a doer, it might be for you. The combination of to-dos and powerful task management & collaboration features mean you can get work done anywhere, with anyone. While the free package can be limiting, there’s no harm in giving it a try.’s neat and unique premium features make it well worth the cost to upgrade. If you’re looking to keep everything – work, personal, family, etc. – in one convenient place, it’s for you. Real-time updates and location-based reminders help you and your team move seamlessly between devices and always have access.

Regardless of which app you choose, all will help you keep track of tasks and to-dos, streamline your daily activities, and help you organize and prioritize daily tasks. These’ll help you stay productive so you can stay focused on growing your business.

  • Incredibly simple
  • Very adaptable
  • Web clipping and handwritten notes keep everything in one place
  • Save business cards digitally
  • Free 30-day trial
  • Solid task management features
  • Some offline capability
  • Clean & simple interface
  • Collaborative features do not require a separate app
  • Sync personal tasks, work projects, and shared lists
  • Real-time sync across devices
  • Moment daily review
  • Location-based reminders
  • Free package is pretty limiting
  • Doesn’t work as well with longer docs & notes
  • Some functionality is hosted by 3rd party apps
  • No offline capability
  • Free package is limiting
  • No clipping feature for out-of-app notes
  • Free package is very limiting
  • Voice recognition is spotty
  • No easy way to delete a task
  • Imperfect auto-complete function
  • Keyboard control
Best forEvernoteIndividuals or small businesses looking to take brief notes and integrate digital & handwrittenTodoistSmall businesses who are looking for an option that includes task management featuresAny.doSmall businesses who want to move seamlessly between devices & don’t mind paying for premium

What are customers saying?

“I've been using Evernote for about a year now, and it's my go-to spot for everyday check-lists and personal and business-driven task management. It's also my informal way to take notes on calls, workshops and other meetings.”

“[Todoist] keeps track of ALL of my to-dos. I have around a dozen projects (including sub-projects), and if I'm really in a rush I just drop a to-do … to sort it later. The date feature means that I always know what my to-dos are for right now, this week, and beyond.”

“I tried many apps to keep track of all my tasks but [] is the one I have enjoyed the most. It has a very easy interface and organizes my tasks in a very simple and organized manner.”

More Options:


  • Save-for-later that lets you save interesting articles, videos, etc. to consume later
  • Integrate with over 1500 apps including Twitter, Flipboard, and Zite
  • Two plans range from $0 - $4.99 / month

Evernote Vs Todoist

Boomerang for Gmail

  • Best friend to your email – keep your inbox from getting cluttered
  • Schedule emails to send later, “boomerang” an email out of your inbox, and set follow up reminders
  • Four plans range from $0 - $49.99 / month

Evernote Todo List Template

Awesome Note

Evernote Todo Template

  • Productivity and note-taking app for iPhone, iPad, and Galaxy Note
  • Notes, to-dos, reminders, and even drawing functionality
  • $3.99 download


  • Schedule anything from social media posts to RSS
  • All kinds of recipes can be customized for just about anything
  • Free