Duplicate Zapper

How Does a Zapper it Work?

Zappers do not kill parasites because of certain frequencies.This is often confused, when you see other producers of zappers advertising their various frequency ranges. The zapper kills parasites and dissolves pathogenic tissue, because of it's delivery of a positive offset electric charge, not because of the frequency resonance phenomenon.

Duplicate Zapper is based on the duplicate function in Intego Mac Washing Machine. To remove duplications and keep your Mac clean and organized try Mac Washing Machine, or choose Mac Washing Machine Secure X9 for all that plus security! See Duplicate Zapper in Action Choose what files to look for. DAJOORON 15 Watt Bug Zapper Replacement Bulb for Flowtron BK-15D (BF-35), Black Flag 15-Watt Outdoor Bug Zapper BZ-15 (BB-15WHT), Stinger 15W Bug.

Many variations in zapping technique have been discovered since the one found around 1990. The original technique showed that very small animals, like our parasites, can be killed with a very small voltage. But only IF the voltage is 100% positive offset, and only IF the voltage is varied up and down repeatedly. If the varying voltage becomes NEGATIVE, even momentarily, it supports and maintains their lives! This must be avoided. You cannot take this for granted when you purchase a zapper. The maker must assure you that it has been checked on an oscilloscope and not even 1% negative voltage found. Preferably a picture of the zapper output on an oscilloscope should accompany the unit, together with an arrow pointing to the zero line.


Duplicate Zapper 초기화면: 사진 뿐만이 아니라 동영상, 음악, 문서 유형을 선택 검색이 가능하다. 검색할 폴더를 각각 지정하여 여러 폴더를 검색할 수 있고, 검색에서 제외할 폴더도 지정이 가능하다.

Below is the output waveform from the Auto-Zap5 zapper as seen on a Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope. Note that the signal never goes down to the zero line, but remains above it at all times. This is what Dr. Clark means by 'positive offset.'

Dr. Clark adds, 'Generating positive offset frequencies is the best way to kill all pathogens quickly. But it takes more than one treatment. It takes three treatments to kill everything. Why? The first [seven minute] zapping kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites. But a few minutes later, bacteria and viruses (different ones) often recur. I conclude they had been infecting the parasites, and killing the parasites released them. The second [seven minute] zapping kills the released viruses and bacteria, but soon a few viruses appear again. They must have been infecting some of the last bacteria. After a third [seven minute] zapping I never find any viruses, bacteria or parasites, even hours later.'

We have inserted the words in square brackets above to clarify misunderstood areas. Three 7-minute sessions of zapper pulses, separated by two 20-minute rest periods, constitute one automatic zapping cycle.

Dr. Hulda Clark's specifications exclude all devices based on the work of Dr. Bob Beck, including his 'zapper'/colloidal silver maker/plant growth stimulator, Brain Tuner, and magnetic pulser. They also exclude most 'Rife type' devices that we've tested, which generally produce AC output, with negative pulses that make parasites GROW! See 'The Cure for HIV and AIDS,' page 71, third paragraph, quoted below.

DOs & DON'Ts




With SE you pinch the 2 ends. This opens the alligator clips on the other end that you clip to the handholds. With all other models, insert the plugs into the jacks in the handholds and footpads as per the diagrams below. Do not wiggle them from side to side. Insert them firmly into the jacks by pushing them straight in. And remove them by pulling them straight out.

SE & XEplus



QE4 -- Copper/Copper
QE3plus-- Copper/Aluminum
(rebranded from





Damp paper toweling creates conductivity which is essential for zapping to be effective. So, wrap handholds and footpads with 2 sheets of embossed paper toweling or thin cotton cloth, like a dish towel. Paper toweling absorbs more water than cotton and will make for a more effective zapping session. To reduce conductivity use 3 or more sheets of toweling. Do not zap with bare skin contacting the handholds and footpads.
For QE4, QE3plus, & QE2plus the 2 handholds are not connected using any wires -- as per the diagram. They are attracted via the internal magnets. If necessary, reverse the two handholds so that they are attracting. They will line up at a slight angle. This is normal. Then wrap with the paper toweling. You do not need to wrap the handholds separately.

Dampen the toweling with tap water or bottled water. Do not use distilled water. It contains no minerals. Minerals conduct the current. The toweling should be spongy. Keep it moist while zapping but not dripping wet. Let the toweling dry out afterwards so that you can reuse it the enxt time you zap. With SE, attach the clips to the metal handholds, not to the toweling. For best results with all models, use the handholds and footpads together.

Brown or green oxide may eventually discolor the toweling. It's time to change the toweling. If the handholds and footpads become discolored, clean them with vinegar or with a commercial cleanser. Do not let water drip down the wires into the box. This may damage the zapper and will void the warranty.


Remove your belt, glasses, rings and other jewelry, as much as possible. Do not sit on metal furniture. Flip the switch. The red light will come on. This means that your zapper is working according to specifications. Pick up the handholds in your hands, or place them on your body according to these suggestions. You can also reverse the handholds (or pairs of handholds) from the left hand to the right hand to see if this gives better results.

The bottom line is that you need to experiment to find out what works best for you. It's normal to hear rattling inside QE4, QE3plus, QE2plus & QE1plus handholds. That's the amethyst crystals. Most people feel nothing while zapping since there are 2,500 pulses per second for SE, XEplus and QE1plus -- and 2,000 pulses for QE4, QE3plus, & QE2plus.

After zapping flip the switch off and unplug the AC adapter from the wall. Do not pull the wire to remove the adapter. This may cause a permanent disconnect. Hold the adapter box while pulling it out of the wall. After unplugging the zapper the red light may still be on since there is still current in the capacitors. The red light will go out after about 30 seconds.


SE & XEplus

With SE & XEplus, start zapping at 10 seconds. This is to test your sensitivity. If you don't have any reaction then you know you are not sensitive. You can zap at 30 seconds at your next session. Sensitive people may have to limit themselves to 10 or 15 seconds. Everyone should follow this guide and to find their maximum level of comfort -- their zone of comfort. If you start to react, stop zapping for a few days then resume with a shorter zapping time.

Your first zapping session with SE or XEplus should look like this: 10 seconds on -- 20 minutes off -- 10 seconds on -- 20 minutes off -- 10 seconds on. The first 10 seconds kills parasites. During the break dead parasites release bacteria. The second 10 seconds kills the bacteria. During the next break dead bacteria release viruses. The third 10 seconds kills viruses. This is the full zapping cycle.

Those who are not sensitive can try Duration Zapping with SE & XEplus. Depending on your health needs, you can zap up to 3 times a day.

QE4, QE3plus, QE2plus & QE1plus

These 4 models are much more powerful that SE & XEplus. You zap only once with no 20-minute breaks. The parasites, bacteria and viruses are killed in one zapping session.



For stronger zapping wet the paper toweling with salt water, adding more salt if needed. The mineral content of salt water creates much stronger electrical conducivity than normal water. So, the effects are stronger and faster. With salt water the skin may become irritated and itchy. If you use salt water and have a cut or open sore make sure it does not come in contact with the handholds or footpads. If it does you will feel a stinging sensation.

Adding footpads

To boost results, add footpads to your zapping sessions -- only after you have discovered if you are sensitive or not. If you are sensitive then use the footpads very carefully by limiting the amount of time you zap.


Zap at least once a day for 3 weeks. Then take a break for one week before resuming. Here's why. You need to give the body a rest from the process of detoxification. And you do not want parasites to become used to the zapper's wave or to develop resistance. You want to surprise them when you zap. The 1-week break allows this to happen.


You may want to go slower or faster than this guide depending on how you feel. Some people can only tolerate 5 or 10 seconds. Others can zap for an hour. Add one minute at a time after Day 10. Experiment to find your maximum level of comfort. No matter what your level, Thanks to the sensitivity factor, you will receive the full therapeutic benefits of zapping during your zapping session even if it only lasts a few seconds.

QE1plus QE2plus QE4
1 10 sec. 10 sec. 10 sec. 10 sec.
2 15 sec. 15 sec. 15 sec. 15 sec.
3 30 sec. 30 sec. 30 sec. 30 sec.
4 1 min. 1 min. 30 sec. 30 sec.
5 1 min. 1 min. 1 min. 1 min.
6 2 min. 2 min. 1 min. 1 min.
7 3 min. 3 min. 2 min. 2 min.
8 4 min. 4 min. 2 min. 2 min.
9 5 min.5 min. 3 min. 3 min.
10 6 min. 6 min. 3 min. 3 min.


All models are designed for indoor use with the AC adapter. If you wish to zap outdoors then use only the 9-volt battery -- not the AC adapter. Remove the battery from the compartment if using the AC adapter. If not, the battery will overheat and your zapper may be damaged. The AC adapter's output is DC voltage -- the very same as battery output.

You may zap with a 9-volt battery (not included) with all models. Here's how. Open the hatch. Clip the battery to the leads inside the compartment. Close the hatch. If you use a non-rechargeable battery replace it every week to keep the voltage high.

I recommend this rechargeable battery -- a low self-discharge battery that costs only $4.50 and is rechargeable up to 1000 times. Make sure to recharge it after each zapping session to keep the voltage at the highest therapeutic level.

9. QE4, QE3plus, QE2plus & QE1plus


Visit the this page for details on these 4 Premium models. The 2 handholds held in each hand will be attracted by the internal magnets. Reverse them if necessary to create the attraction. The handholds don't need to be wrapped separately with paper toweling. They can be wrapped together.

Everyone should start at 10 seconds. Zap one time only. There are no breaks. Although these 3 Premium models are very powerful, most people will only feel a gentle pulsing. Many people feel nothing at all.


Duration zapping means zapping without breaks. The Premium models are designed for this. But you can also try Duration Zapping with SE and XEplus to see if this works for you. With Duration Zapping, some people can zap for only 10 or 15 seconds, but others can zap for an hour or more. Experiment to discover what works best for you.


Since parasites are more active at night and around the time of the full moon many people get good results by zapping according to the activity cycle of parasites.

Many people feel sleepy after zapping and prefer to zap at bedtime. Make sure you turn your zapper off before falling asleep. Many people feel energized when zapping. So, they prefer to zap in the morning. Experiment to discover the best zapping time for you.


If the left and right handholds or footpads touch, do not worry. Your zapper will not short-circuit and it will not be damaged. But the current will then flow directly between the handholds/footpads during this time with much less current flowing through the body, thereby reducing the effectiveness temporarily. So, make sure the handholds and footpads are not touching, except for the 3 Premium models where 2 pairs of handholds in the left and right hands are attached by magnetic attraction.


Add the footpads after a week or so of zapping with the handholds only. They greatly increase the effectiveness of zapping. You can order a pair of footpads when you place your order, or you can order them later. Always cover the footpads with paper toweling -- same as with the handholds. You can also zap hands-free by using the footpads alone without the handholds. Zapping hands-free zapping can also be done by placing one handhold or pair of handholds under each armpit or behind each knee, or inserting them inside loose rubber bands or velcro around the wrists.


Here is an excellent link on how to clean copper handholds and footpads.
Here is an excellent commercial copper cleaner.


There are 2 issues regarding this question.

First issue -- the actual feeling while you are zapping.

Second issue -- the results.

1. First issue: the actual feeling while you are zapping. You may feel a surge of current when you first turn the zapper on if you are holding the handholds before flipping the on switch. To avoid this feeling turn the zapper on first, then pick up the handholds.

The fact is that most people feel nothing at all while zapping (with all models) since they are not sensitive enough to feel 2,000 to 2,500 pulses per second. Lack of feeling while you are zapping does not equate to not feeling therapeutic results. On the contrary. Most people who feel nothing while zapping get excellent results.

Some people are sensitive and they may feel a tingling or pulsing sensation while zapping. Many people will feel the gentle pulsing of the 4 Premium Models that are much strong than SE &XEplus. But most people feel nothing at all with al models.

Nevertheless, some people expect to feel pulsations, tingling and other sensations while zapping. In fact, some people demand to feel something. This may or may not happen, and this may change as a person zaps for an extended period of time, especially if an individual had a strong sensation early on while zapping. Personally, I feel a slight pulsing sensation while zapping, but only with the Premium Models. Nevertheless, I have had great results with all models, including Classic Models SE & XEplus.

2. Second issue: the results. Zapping results depend on many factors. Some people feel significant results after the first zapping session. And there are indeed many Miracle Testimonials in The Archive that prove this. But for most people, results take days, weeks or even months in some cases. Also, results may vary as time goes on. Everyone is unique and each case is different. Some people who experience results early on may notice that this changes later on when results ease off for a while. This does not often happen but it may.

In other words, 99% of people who use The Ultimate Zappers are very happy with the results. Normal changes may happen along the way, and there may be various causes. Sometimes this change simply requires a 1-week break before resuming zapping -- and then results are experienced as before.

But in some cases, the cause of the change may be underlying toxicity that temporarily blocks further progress. This can be the case with those who have silver amalgam fillings that contain 50% mercury, where detoxification may need to be done in order for zapping to kick in again afterwards. Please refer to My Recovery Protocol for the details.


Everyone starts at 10 seconds, working up slowly to allow the body to adjust. If you push too hard you may feel die-off symptoms. Stop zapping until this abates which may take a few days. Resume at a lower level and only zap to your maximum level of comfort -- not discomfort.

Using the handholds on sensitive parts of the body for long periods without working up slowly may cause irritation, itchiness or redness. If the zapper in accientally left on overnight this may even cause blistering. So, work up slowly to avoid this happening. I suggest that sensitive people use 3 or more sheets of paper toweling to reduce conductivity and irritation. People with sensitive skin should also move the handholds around during the zapping session.

Some people who feel the zapper's pulses may one day notice that this feeling is no longer there. The sudden disappearance of the pulsing feeling may lead some to wonder if their zapper is working properly. Many people, including me, have felt this change. This is normal. The pulsing feeling may come and go depending on many factors. But as long as the red light comes on, nothing at all has changed regarding the zapper actually working according to specifications. In fact, the red light cannot come on if the zapper is not working according to specifications. It is actually a sensor that tells you that your zapper is indeed working fine.


The Ultimate Zapper is far more powerful than so-called Dr. Hulda Clark Zappers. I say so-called because Dr. Clark never made zappers. The reason for going slow with The Ultimate Zapper is that detoxifying too quickly can put an extra burden on the body's organs of elimination, especially the kidneys, even for people who are not sensitive. So, go slow. You may even want to do a kidney cleanse (Google this) before starting to zap.

It took years to accumulate all the toxins in your body. They will not be eliminated overnight. If you try to push the river the body may react badly. The mind always wants to jump ahead. But the body has its own wisdom.

People with specific medical conditions, people on medication, children and the elderly should be monitored closely if they are zapping. Consult your doctor in these cases.


With all models, you should never zap beyond your comfort zone. If you start to react this means that zapping is working for you. But pull back to a level where you are no longer reacting. Never zap at a level of discomfort. If you start to feel unwell stop zapping for at least 3 days. When you fell better resume zapping, but cut back to a level below the level that made you feel unwell.


The die-off effect (also known as a Herxheimer reaction) can happen if you are sensitive or if you are trying to detoxify too quickly. You may feel unwell -- like you are coming down with the flu. But you are not. See #17 above. Read #19 on the FAQ Page for more information about the effects of parasite die-off.

There have been reports that taking liposomal vitamin C during the day before zapping can completely counteract a Herxheimer reaction that some sensitive people experience with The Ultimate Zapper. You may want to try this out and see how it works for you.


If you are pregnant or becoming pregnant do not use The Ultimate Zapper. Die-off by-products from zapping could cross the placenta and enter the foetus. Also, mercury could be mobilized from mother's silver amalgam fillings and enter the foetus. This could affect the health of your unborn baby.


Hulda Clark always maintained that anyone with a heart pacemaker should not use a zapper. However, I recently heard from 2 customers who had The Ultimate Zapper checked with a cardiologist. There was no problem at all. I suggest each customer with a pacemaker do the same.

Hi Ken, My fiancee had a test of her pace maker today at the cardiologist's office and there was absolutely NO effect on the pace maker what so ever with the QE1 Plus zapper with the magnetic paddles. It was held in her hands to start and then also placed on her cheeks via hands. He gave total approval for her to use the device. Dan M., July 25, 2020

Hi Ken,
I'm passing by to let you know about the Cardiologist. I did the test and the pacemaker didn't change ANYTHING. I AM RADIANT to be able to use the device again ... Once again a SUPER GRATITUDE for your support ...
Stella R., Jan. 5, 2021


The Electroporation Effect takes effect within an hour or so of zapping. It enhances the effects of nutrients, herbs and medication by temporarily increasing cell permeability, allowing these elements to enter the cells more efficiently. The bottom line -- do not take alcohol or drugs while zapping. Consult your doctor if you have a condition or are taking medication, herbs or supplements. Dosages may need to be lowered. Read this section if you have 'silver fillings'.


The Ultimate Zapper replaces herbal parasite cleanses since it is much more powerful than herbs. But some people zap while taking cleanses to take advantage of The Ultimate Zapper's powerful Electroporation Effect that enhances their effects -- like a double whammy.


If you have even one 'silver' filling you are mercury toxic. The FDA and ADA want everyone to think 'silver' fillings are mostly silver. They are not. They are 50% mercury and about 35% silver. This is The Big Dental Lie. Toxic mercury is sitting two inches from your brain and leaching into your brain, organs and systems. You need to read My Recovery Protocol to get up to speed on what you are facing and what to do about it.

How does this relate to zapping? If you zap with the handholds near the head and have mercury fillings this can 'mobilize' mercury. This may result in a headache or other temporary symptoms. These symptoms will go away. But do not place the handholds near your head until the mercury fillings are removed according to My Recovery Protocol -- followed by detoxification. In the meantime, you can zap with the handholds in your hands. After mercury removal, you can zap near the head.


I have never heard of a case where zapping with dental or other implants was a problem. You can still get good zapping results if you have implants.


I recommend not to exercise while zapping. You may have seen other zapper sites where people exercise, jog and bike. This is marketing. They do not tell you that exercising creates resistance to the zapper wave and reduces its effectiveness. Holding the handholds too tightly will also create resistance to the wave. So, relax and enjoy your zapping session.


Target zapping allows you to focus specific areas in the body. Placing the handholds or footpads near the area you wish to treat can be very effective.

Suggestions: one handhold in the left side of your waistband, the other handhold in the right side of your waistband; one handhold below the navel and the other on the back opposite the navel; one handhold over the liver, the other handhold over the spleen.

For the immune system (the lymphatic system), put one handhold under each armpit. This activates the lymph nodes directly. For sinus problems place one handhold on each cheek, but not if you have silver amalgam fillings. Placing the handholds on the Chakra points or energy centers of the body, or placing footpads under acupuncture points, can be very effective.

You can also zap hands-free by placing two loose rubber bands or velcro strips around your wrists or ankles and then inserting the handholds. Hands-free zapping is also possible by placing one handhold or pair of handholds behind each knee.


The Ultimate Zapper is an excellent blood purifier. It works on a different principle than Beck Magnetic Pulsers. To use The Ultimate Zapper as a blood purifier put one handhold on the inside of each wrist secured by two loose rubber bands or velcro strips. Or you can use one handhold on the inside of each ankle at the pulse point, keeping them in place with two loose rubber bands or velcro strips. Or you can sit in the lotus position and let the handholds sit freely on your ankles.


Maintenance zapping keeps parasites under control and prevents them from proliferating. It also enhances health via the Electroporation Effect. Some people like to zap 1 to 3 times a week for maintenance. Others find that zapping a few times a month is sufficient. Experiment to see what works for you.


All orders for SE, XEplus & QE1plus ship with a free 9-volt Universal AC Adapter. All orders for QE4, QE3plus, & QE2plus ship with a free 12-volt Universal AC adapter. In most countries outside North America the plug on the Universal AC Adapter is not the same as the wall outlet in your home. You need to buy a $1 plug adapter at a local hardware or electrical supply store. Plug the Universal AC Adapter into the plug adapter then plug the adapter into the wall. You're good to go.


Do not zap children under age 3. Over age 3 they may zap starting at 5 seconds. Work up in 5-second increments to 1 minute maximum with SE and XEplus. Young children should not zap with the 4 Premium models. A parent should always stay with children when zapping. Adolescents may zap as adults (see above).

Special note: if mother has a history of amalgam fillings her children should not zap. Mercury from silver fillings crosses the placenta and is in the foetus 2x mother's levels and is also in breast milk. Zapping can mobilize mercury in the child. So, these children should not zap until the issue of mercury toxicity has been dealt with. Please see My Recovery Protocol. Mercury poisoning causes autism, ADD, Muscular Dystrophy, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and other childhood neurological conditions. Please read this page for more information.

Arthur Doerksen of Auto-Zap, died in February, 2016. His site says you can zap babies with his zapper because it is 'gentle' (another word for weak). Many people have observed that Auto-Zap is weak, even for adults. But zapping babies even with a weak zapper could cause harm. A sensitive baby could have a parasite die-off reaction even after a few seconds. Baby's kidneys that excrete the by-products of zapping could be affected.

The fact is that no zapper maker can make any guarantees regarding the safety of zapping babies because of many unknown risks. Encouraging mothers to zap babies infers a strong claim of safety -- with no proof. Protect your baby. Do not zap baby with any zapper -- even a weak zapper.

32. PETS

Many people zap their pets to control parasites and treat illness. There is a remarkable story in the Testimonial Archive about a woman who zapped her dying 18-year-old cat with The Ultimate Zapper. Her cat came back to life and was acting like a kitten again!

Some people zap pets with the footpads. Always cover them with toweling, as per the above instructions. Hold your cat or dog and put one or both left paws on the left footpad and one or both right paws on the right footpad. Some people prefer to put damp socks on their pets. In this case do not cover the footpads with paper toweling.

Some people zap pets with the handholds. Cover the handholds with damp paper toweling. Put 2 rubber bands or velcro strips around each paw and insert the handholds so that they are touching the paws. If you put damp socks on your pets do not cover the handholds with paper toweling.

Zap your pet starting at 5 seconds according to this guide. You can increase this to 1 minute or more over a period of a week or 2 if your pet is feeling OK. See the Pet Zapping pagefor more information on pet zapping.


Many people like to do Tooth Zapping to target tooth and gum infections, or for oral hygiene. People with mercury fillings or other metal in their mouth should not place the handholds near their face. In this case, zap with handholds in the hands only, starting at 10 seconds. Those who have no metal in the mouth can place one handhold on each cheek and start at 10 seconds.


Most people will see nothing at all since most parasites are microscopic. I have never seen anything come out. But many people have reported various kinds of worms and other creatures come out.



No, it cannot. And it never has in the 23 years since The Ultimate Zapper has been powered by an AC adapter. The adapter is completely safe -- as proved by thousands of users world-wide. Please read why here.


If you wish to test your zapper please note that a multimeter will not give an accurate reading. Your zapper much be tested on an oscilloscope for an accurate reading of the voltage and amperage.

36. DOs & DON'Ts


1. DO read the complete Instruction Manual before your first zapping.

2. DO make sure the red light comes on when you flip the switch.

3. DO unplug the adapter after every zapping session.

4. DO turn the zapper off before falling asleep. zapping session.

5. DO start at 10 seconds for your first zapping.

6. DO remove as much jewelry as possible before zapping.

7. DO cover handholds and footpads with damp paper toweling.

8. DO stay with children at all times when they zap.


9. DO email me if you have any questions.


1. DO NOT insert the handholds into any body orifice. This may cause a serious reaction including itching, stinging and even burning.

2. DO NOT use The Ultimate Zapper outdoors using the AC adapter -- on a patio, or if you are sitting on metal furniture. Only zap outdoors using the 9-volt battery.

3. DO NOT use The Ultimate Zapper without covering handholds and footpads with damp paper toweling or cotton cloth.

4. DO NOT use The Ultimate Zapper in the bathroom or if your feet are in water.

5. DO NOT let water drip into the zapper box.

6. DO NOT use distilled water to cover the paper toweling.

7. DO NOT zap at a level that makes you feel unwell. Always stay inside your comfort zone.

8. DO NOT zap children under age 3.

9. DO NOT zap near your face if you have silver amalgam fillings.

10. DO NOT zap your child if the mother has a history of silver fillings.

11. DO NOT allow direct skin contact with a cut or open sore.

12. DO NOT open the zapper box. This will void the warranty.

Duplicate Zapper Review

13. DO NOT zap with the AC adapter if you have a battery in the battery compartment. The battery will overheat and you may damage your zapper.

14. DO NOT use The Ultimate Zapper with an AC adapter not purchased from my site. This will invalidate the warranty in case of any problems.

15. DO NOT treat your zapper carelessly. Even unintended accidents or abuse may cause damage to the zapper or the adapter. This will void the warranty. In which case I will be glad to repair your Ultimate Zapper but you will be asked to pay for the repair.

16. DO NOT zap near a computer or TV screen. The radiation from the screen may interfere with the zapper's wave, and the zapper may interfere with the TV image. You should be at least 3 feet from a flat screen and at least 10 feet from the older cathode ray TV tubes while zapping.

17. DO NOT take alcohol or drugs while zapping. Read this.

18. DO NOT zap while doing metal detoxification via chelation. Read this.

Duplicate Zapper As Seen On Tv


Duplicate Zapper Mac

The Ultimate Zapper is a pulse generator designed for experimental use only. It is not an approved medical device. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. No claims of any kind are made as to its suitability for any purpose. Read the Disclaimer Page.




Duplicate Approval